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Women's History Month Resources
03/04/2013 4:00 PM
March is Women's History Month. The Library Of Congress has a wealth of resources for teacher to create their own lessons or utilize a lesson and materials ready to go. Better yet, the lessons include primary sources which are great to use in the classroom and support the Common Core State Standards.
Women's History
has a variety of material on Women's History.
Women Pioneers in American History
has a variety of information and primary sources related to the Westward Movement, Suffrage, Struggle for Equality, On the Job, and Women Today. This site also allows you to search for material and lessons by Common Core, State Standards, and Organizations.
Women's Words of Wisdom
is another great project. The page has a variety of pictures of women. Just click on one to bring up information and a quote from the woman This is a great short and quick way to examine a primary source. One could examine different ladies throughout the month in discussion or use the quote for a warm-up activity.
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